Hairdresser in Haskovo - Hairdressing salon Pippi

Looking for good hairdresser in Haskovo, Bulgaria?

You found it - Hairdressing salon Pippi

Hairdressing salon Pippi is located in Haskovo (Bulgaria), 24 San Stefano boulevard. Our services include children's, male and female haircut, daily, official and wedding hairstyles, perm, nourishing hair mask with vitamins and other hairdressing services.

The prices are for ordinary people.

You can booking an hour for wedding hairstyle in Sunday too.

Here you can booking.

Season Summer - 2011

Haircuts summer 2011Photo gallery with images of male and female, official and daily haircuts from season Summer - 2011.


aThe hair, well trimmed and with good hairstyle can be beautiful frame and ornament for your face.


Haircut made by good hairdresser shapes the head.a


aThere are thousand ways to dress your hair but you must choose this one which is suitable for your face.

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